• PEB301 Extension Adjustable AB Roman Bench for Full All in One

    PEB301 Extension Adjustable AB Roman Bench for Full All in One

    Let users to warm up before the start of a high-intensity, high-volume workout, helping to avoid injury during and after the exercise, and allowing users to feel more soothed and relaxed with each workout.
  • PEB205 Small Squat Rack

    PEB205 Small Squat Rack

    Muscle burns fat, and more muscle burns more fat. Squats are an effective way to build muscle and burn more fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn during exercise and rest. If you want to lose weight, stick to this combination of exercise and squats.
    This is closely related to flexibility, creating more balance in turn helps improve strength and helps you develop more muscle groups in your training, which also means that for those mixing weightlifting movements with lower body based movements, providing more balance and function, such as hard pulls, push-ups, front squats, bench presses, lunges, single leg squats and leg lifts